Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bioterrorism... how safe are we?

Bin Laden is dead.  Many worry about what is next.  Could there be an attack planned against the US?  If so, what is the target?  What will be the means?

24 is my all time favorite show.  Out of the 8 seasons, 2 of them focus on bio weapon attacks.  Maybe I’m brainwashed but I think this is something that is a very real threat. 

What is bioterrorism and what are bioweapons?  Bioterrorism is the deliberate release of a virus, bacteria or other agents that cause illness or death.  Many of these microorganisms can be found in nature and then are genetically manipulated so that they are more resistant to medicines, spread easier and faster, or worsen the symptoms.

The main advantage of bioweapons is that the terrorist will most likely not be able to be traced back to the attack.  People will be infected and not show symptoms for several hours or days, making it nearly impossible to determine where the bioagents were released.

There are several ways to release the bioweapons to the public.  Artilleries, missiles, and bombs can be launched that have the agents in them.  The problem with these devices is that almost all the agents are destroyed in the blast leaving only about 5-10% alive and capable of spreading disease.  Another way is by aerosols.  The agent is breathed in and the infection begins in the lungs.  The use of the water system is another way.  This is difficult because of all the precautions that are taken by the EPA and water agencies to prevent this.  The agent needs to be delivered into the water supply after the water treatment.  There also needs to be a large amount in order to be effective at all.  Food has also been used.  There was a salmonella attack in Oregon in 1984 that killed 751 people. 

Many of these deadly viruses can be treated with antibiotics and other medications; the problem is that usually they go undetected and cause mass spread before they are noticed.  Federal agencies have been working on plans for years and the local governments and agencies are slowly following suit.  It is important that every hospital and medical facility have a plan for a bioterrorism attack.  As DNA technology becomes better and is easily accessible, we should expect that more bioterrorism attacks will be eminent in our country and around the world.

See Federation of American Scientists for more info


  1. Wow scary. I am also a huge fan of 24, too bad Jack Bauer cannot save us in real life. I hope that you are wrong about the last statement you made about the eminent attacks on our country, and that if there were to be an attack the U.S. would be prepared enough to handle it.

  2. Yes, unfortunately it really only seems like a matter of time before something like this happens.

    And thanks Michelle, I've enjoyed your comments and your blog as well. Happy graduation!

  3. Very good post! And are you trying to scare me with the fact that I could die of some horrible death? j/k And I really do think that this will be the way to attack in the future. In one of my classes we talked about the smallpox virus that has not seen a real case in the world for awhile but if that got out again our immune systems couldn't handle it.

  4. Great post...reminds of a few articles that I have read about chemtrail conspiracies suggesting that some of the contrails behind jets are in fact very low levels of bioweapons intended to boost people's immunity in preparation for an attack. Not sure if I believe it but an interesting theory.

  5. I am not too concerned myself. As bio-terrorism advances so do our agencies that monitor control and prevent out breaks. It has become very difficult to get the diseases to spread and cause a pandemic.

  6. This is a bit worrisome, and I'm sure it's serious; however, I always think of I am Legend or 28 Days Later when I hear about bio-weapons.
