In response to Briana’s comment, I decided to look into chocolate milk. It was a lot harder to find any articles that talked negatively about chocolate milk. This might be because of the amount of coaches and fitness magazines that promote chocolate milk. I found articles from WebMD,, a Healthy Lifestyle blog, and Fitness magazine. They all suggested pretty much the same thing: chocolate milk is a great way to restore fatigued muscles.
Apparently, Michael Phelps was seen drinking chocolate milk after his Olympic swims. So it must be good for you if Michael Phelps drinks it. Another drink that he uses is called Pure Sport, created at the University of Texas. It has the “right” ratio of carbohydrates to whey protein (2.67). But guess what? 1% chocolate milk has that same carb to whey protein ratio.
When compared with other sports drinks and water, chocolate milk has less sugar and artificial colorings and more vitamins and nutrients. The only bad things I could find on chocolate milk is that it has more calories than most energy drinks. For athletes like Michael Phelps, a large amount of calories are needed, however for those people who are working out to lose weight, chocolate milk might not be the best option. Also, you need to be careful about what chocolate milk you choose. Some milk has antibiotics or hormones added, as seen in my last post.
So from what I have gathered, choose a pre-made organic chocolate milk or just make your own mix from your milk at home. I was not able to find anything on brands of chocolate milk so you will have to look at the labels for yourself. I hope this helps.
Since there are so many other athletes out there, has anyone else had a suggestion from a doctor or coach to drink or not drink chocolate milk? I have never played anything competitively enough to get that advice I guess.